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Don't Ever Give Up!

I was so blessed, for in the end it was all worth it! I was reading at college freshman level, by the time I was 9 years old! When I reached my teens, I was a good speller, too. The other kids laughed at me because I couldn't read, and I just wanted to run and hide. Here is the link to the GameDev. ".

readGameDev Team

You've probably been told, your whole life through, that you shouldn't quit. Well I'm going to tell you the same thing again! Don't ever give up!

When I was just a little kid, I told my grandmother that I couldn't draw. I had tried and tried, but it just wasn't working out, so I said, "Grandmother, show me how to draw". My grandmother said, "Draw what you see".

Was that it? Was it that simple? Yes, it was that simple. Sometimes the most simple answer is the solution to your problems. It's the simple answers that solve things such as artist's block and writer's block.

One day, I was stuck in the middle of trying to write a blog, and then, it suddenly became easy, after I stopped trying to write the perfect blog! It's the simple blogs that make the biggest difference, and for game developers, sometimes it's the most simple game that makes the crowd happy! At the risk of sounding too repetitious, I have to say this. If we stop over thinking things, everything suddenly falls into place.

Now, sometimes I know that things can be complicated to begin with, and you need a more complex solution to a more complex problem. In this case, you'll have to just keep studying and trying, until you win the victory! I have a personal story about that.

When I was a kid, I had a terrible time with Dyslexia. I was, involuntarily, writing my letters and numbers both upside down and backwards, and this was very discouraging for me. The other kids laughed at me because I couldn't read, and I just wanted to run and hide.

My Mom wouldn't give up, she got the reading books out and read with me every day, at least four hours a day, for months on end. My grandmother, who was a teacher, brought writing materials to me and I practiced writing my letters and numbers incessantly.

As each day passed, I wondered when I would be able to read. I couldn't wait to read and have fun at the same time, because it was just so much work. I was so blessed, for in the end it was all worth it! I was reading at college freshman level, by the time I was 9 years old! When I reached my teens, I was a good speller, too.

Looking back, I can see how it was all worth the time and hard work! My life was changed forever, when I was finally able to read! I read about far-off places, and I literally fell in love with world history. I called my encyclopaedias history books!

To sum it all up, no matter how hard things are now, if you just keep chipping away at those tasks, those assignments, in the end it will all pay off!

Remember, if you're having trouble with your studies, GameDev.TV has a community on its website, and it has other study focused groups on Facebook, where you can ask questions and get answers. As my mom always says, "The only bad question is the one you don't ask.".

Here is the link to the GameDev.TV groups page, on Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/pg/GameDevTV/groups/

Here's the link to the GameDev.TV Community: https://community.gamedev.tv/

Speaking of drawing, I'm looking forward to Grant's new Drawing Course! I wonder what new drawing techniques I will learn from it? If you want to learn more about the course, here's the link to the Kickstarter, which has fully funded:  https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/bentristem/complete-drawing-course-learn-to-be-an-artist-from-scratch?ref=discovery&term=ben tristem

Have an awesome day! See you next blog!

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